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Release notes 3.2.4 – 3.2.5

1. Goods receipt

Purchase order selection in goods receipt office

Relevant module: 100-01 Basic package

Overview and simplified search for existing purchase orders which can be processed in the goods receipt office.

The goods receipt office interface features a new combo box which displays purchase orders with a status lower than ‘booked’ for the specified owner.

If there is another purchase order item to be added to a purchase order which has already been entered in the system but not yet processed, or if the purchase order quantity of an existing item is to be changed,
this can be done by re-opening the purchase order and editing it in the "goods receipt office" template. It is no longer necessary to know the purchase order and sub purchase order numbers in full and enter them in the user interface.
Instead, all purchase orders that are still editable can now be selected from a combo box.
The selection element allows the user to enter purchase order or sub-purchase order numbers to search for purchase orders. The first few characters of the purchase order number are enough to restrict the search results to purchase orders with numbers that start with the same string.


Sectoring at the I-point

Relevant module: 100-01 Basic package

Load units can be divided into sectors at the I-point and stock can be entered in the system on selected sectors.

If there is a sector configuration for the selected load unit type, the requested subdivision and the destination sectors for the stock are selected at the I-point. A live preview of the load unit is displayed showing occupied, free and selected sectors.

A box is divided into 4 sectors with partitions. There is a mixed load unit with 4 different batches to be entered at the I-point. The batches are divided among the different sectors to make it quicker for the employee to identify the desired batch during picking.


8-sector sectoring and multiple occupancy

Relevant module: Sectoring 202-12

This function allows more flexible usage of sectored containers thanks to 8-sector sectoring. It is possible to allocate the same stock unit to multiple sectors.
The means maximum use of space in the warehouse.

A transport load unit could previously be divided into a maximum of four sectors, and each stock unit could be located in one sector only. It is now possible to divide a load unit into 8 sectors (2x4), and (the) stock can occupy multiple sectors at the same time. Which sectors can be occupied simultaneously must be specified for each sectoring configuration as a valid combination of sectors. Valid and free sector combinations are displayed for selection when the user creates the stock or makes an addition to stock. This means it possible to flexibly occupy a load unit (or pallet) with 8 sectors. Users decide at the I-point or when they are making an addition to stock whether to occupy the whole pallet, half of the pallet, a quarter or an eighth of the pallet. During the picking process, the sectors from which the stock is to be picked are displayed under ‘additional information’.


Fill level calculation for compression

Relevant module: Load unit sectoring 202-12

Employees have a better overview of the stock to be compressed thanks to the height of sector stack and sector fill level fields.

The stock template features a new action called calculate sector fill level. This action calculates the percentage fill level of a sector on the load unit. The action updates the information in the following fields:
height of sector stack and sector fill level in the stock template and number of empty sectors in the load units template.


Stacking schema for block storage

Relevant module: PROLAG Go - mobile processes basic package 300-01

You can define a schema for each article in terms of how pallets containing the article are stacked for block storage. Employees are supported in complying with the schema.

There is a new table called "stacking schema” for storing a diagram of how to stack pallets for block storage. A stacking schema can be defined for each article.
The stacking schema is displayed before the employee scans the destination location for putaway in the block storage area. Since the stacking schema is not considered by the location suggestion, the employee might no longer be allowed to place stock in the suggested row. In this case, they can mark the shelf as full by pressing the relevant function key and a different location will be suggested. In order to use the function key, articles with a stacking schema must be stored in homogeneously stacked blocks.


2. Global processes

Live indicators with new filters

Relevant module: Control centre/Dashboard 205-58

The new filters are now used for calculating and displaying the data in the live indicators. The filters from the old interface are no longer supported.
To make the transition smoother, an action has been created that automatically converts the old filters to the new format.


3. Hazardous goods and materials

Inner packagings in the IMO declaration

Relevant module: Production supply and manufacturing 505-03

The IMO declaration also describes the inner packagings of the packages being carried, allowing carriage by sea if this information is required by a shipping company, for example.

Outer packagings can be configured so that they are defined as inner packaging. When the transport document is printed in accordance with the IMDG code, the number and type of outer packagings are listed.

There are six canisters in a box. The canisters represent an inner packaging; the box is mandatory as an outer packaging. This is indicated in the IMO declaration in the column for number and kind of packages:
1 box x 12 kg with 6 canisters, each containing 1 litre

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