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Release notes 3.2.7 - 3.2.8

1. Warehouse automation - AutoStore

AutoStore connectivity

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

This release note explains the connectivity between PROLAG World and AutoStore..

The stock is managed by AutoStore, i.e. PROLAG World is not responsible for location management (black box). Stock putaways in AutoStore are handled as follows via the picking station:

1. Creation of a dummy AutoStore storage group
2. Requesting of containers for the stock at the picking station.
3. Filling of the putaway items and scanning of the source container

For stock removals (=picks and stock relocations), AutoStore task groups are formed based on the picking and stock relocation lists. These task groups represent the lists (=source containers of the relevant stock). Processing takes place at the picking station.

AutoStore storage groups

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

• Declaring storage groups as AutoStore storage groups
• Marking of articles as ‘can be stored in AutoStore’
• Guarantee that only articles authorised for AutoStore are allowed to be stored in AutoStore storage groups.
• Display at the I-point indicating that the relevant article is allowed to be stored in an AutoStore storage group.

A storage group can be designated as an ‘AutoStore storage group’. An AutoStore storage group can only contain articles which are authorised for AutoStore. Whether or not an article is authorised for AutoStore is defined in the article master via the setting ‘can be stored in AutoStore’. If this setting is activated, the relevant article is allowed to be stored in an AutoStore storage group.

AutoStore putaway using the ‘picking station’ template

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

Putaway can be performed using the picking station template and the connected AutoStore port.

The picking station template also enables the connectivity to AutoStore.

The functions of the template have been extended:
• Log in/log out at AutoStore port.
• Putaway/retrieval mode
• Suitable fields and buttons are shown or hidden depending on the mode.
• AutoStore port sectoring (BIN) can be changed/requested at the click of a button.
• Putaway containers can be booked to a meeting area for clearing.
• As part of the stock retrieval process, the picking containers can be booked to a transport trolley.

AutoStore – transport trolleys with identical destination and type

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

Systematic picking using the picking station.

Either ‘AutoStore TTs with identical destination’ or ‘AutoStore TTs with identical LU type’ can be set in the ‘consistency check’ field in the transport trolley LU type.

  • ‘Identical destination’ means that if there is one stock unit with ‘AutoStore’ as its destination, the other stock units on the trolley must have the same destination.
  • ‘Identical type’ means that if there is one stock unit with ‘AutoStore’ as its destination, the transport trolley can only contain identical load unit types.

Example - AutoStore:
In the case of an AutoStore warehouse, putaway must be performed via the picking station and the stock has to be transferred to the sectored AutosSore containers. Since the requesting of AutoStore containers always takes place with a specific sectoring (whole bin, half bin, 1/4 bin, 1/8 bin) and generates a certain waiting time, the putaway containers, which are transported from the goods receipt area to the picking station using a mesh trolley, need to be pre-sorted in order to facilitate the changeover.

Two transport trolleys are generated: a mesh trolley and a tray. The mesh trolley collects the trays. The trays collect the putaway containers at the goods receipt area. The mesh trolley is taken from the goods receipt area to the picking station and all the stock units it contains have the destination ‘AutoStore’. Each tray on the mesh trolley contains identical load unit types such as small box or large box. An employee requests a 1/8 bin and first empties all trays. They then request half bins and wait until AutoStore extracts the relevant containers and then transfers everything into the large box.

AutoStore categories

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02
AutoStore categories
Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

Categories can be defined and assigned to the lists using configurable filters. The categories can then be stored in the AutoStore ports to determine which port is allowed to process which categories.

First, the categories are defined in the ‘AutoStore category’ template.
Filters are then specified for the individual categories in the ‘AutoStore category list assignment’ template. When a list is created, the filters are checked in ascending order according to position. If a filter matches the list, the list is assigned the respective category. The AutoStore ports specify the allowed categories for the respective port. This determines which categories are processed at which ports.

• A port for putaways.
• A port for rush orders (if there are no rush orders, standard stock retrievals are processed).
• The remaining ports process standard stock retrievals.
• A category for large orders which are processed during quiet periods.

Skip SC strategy query

Relevant module: AutoStore connectivity 752-01, 752-02

An additional query of the SC strategy is not required if the SC strategy is preset by the putaway optimisation.

If you want to skip the query of the SC strategy on the mobile device or the query at the I-point cannot be overruled, set parameter 6 to false in the action class "OVRuestvorschlagWareneingangAlles". Parameter 6 manages the function that determines whether the user is allowed to overrule the proposed SC strategy.

The default setting of parameter 6 is "true".


  1. An employee sets parameter 6 to false in the action class "OVRuestvorschlagWareneingangAlles".
  2. They select the previously edited "OVRuestvorschlagWareneingangAlles" in the combo box selection "action class for location suggestion data at I-point" in the storage group.
  3. The ‘I-point unscheduled’ is opened and the employee selects an article for which the storage group AutoStore is entered in the article master. The SC strategy is preset and cannot be overruled.
  4. In the next step, the ‘I-point unscheduled’ is opened on the mobile device and the employee performs the steps for selecting the storage group.
  5. "AutoStore" is selected as the storage group.

Result: The SC strategy query is overruled.

Picking station: Stock retrieval with transport trolley on conveyor system

Relevant module: Material flow controller 705-01

Picking at the picking station can now be performed using a transport trolley on the conveyor system.

If a reporting point for retrieval transport trolleys is entered at the picking station, the picking load unit must be booked to a transport trolley at the picking station as soon as the list is complete. An additional dialog opens for scanning the transport trolley. The transport trolley must then be moved by choosing the ‘remove transport trolley’ button.


2. Warehouse automation

Compact Talk Schnittstelle

Relevant module: Carousels, lean lifts – software driver 765-01

Weland Solutions shuttles can be managed using PROLAG World.

Compact Talk is the interface between PROLAG World and Weland Solutions. Thanks to the integration with Compact Talk, PROLAG World is more flexible when it comes to selecting suitable shuttles. Communication between PROLAG World and Compact Talk takes place via XML files.


List building: Bulk material

Relevant module: Basic package 100-01

You can mark articles as bulk material. This means that these articles can only be transported in load units of a suitable type.

In the article master, the new field ‘is bulk material’ indicates whether the selected article is bulk material. In the transport LU type, the field ‘suitable for bulk material’ shows whether the load unit type is suitable for transporting bulk material. This compatibility is checked for putaway optimisation, at the I-point and in extended list building. There is a new action class available for extended list building called ‘PruefeAufSchuettgut’ (check for bulk material).

A transport order describes the picking of bulk material. In the context of extended list building (selection rule ‘PruefeAufSchuettgut’), transport load unit types which are not suitable for bulk material are not considered.


Storage of pool-managed load units

Relevant module: Basic package 100-01

The storage area can be used to determine whether storage of empty, pool-managed load units is allowed. This means that empty, pool-managed load units can also be stored with location management and are not necessarily just visible as data in an empty buffer.

The field ‘can store empty load unit’ in the storage area determines whether location-managed storage of empty pool-managed load units is allowed.

If empty, pool-managed load units are stored (in an automated storage area, for example), this option must be activated in the storage area. This means that even if a load unit becomes empty, it is not automatically rebooked to the empty buffer.

4. Mobile processes

Visualisation of tray shelves
Relevant module: PROLAG Go - Shelf visualisation 305-17

Easier and safer putaway and retrieval in tray shelves through visualisation of source and destination on a mobile device.

There are two new options in the ‘tray shelf LU type’ template:

  • occupancy sequence for surface elements
  • occupancy sequence for surface elements with text

If this option is active, an image of the individual surface elements on the shelf is created on the mobile device during stock retrieval, putaway, destination relocation (UMWWN, UMWWZ), or direct relocation to a tray shelf (shuttle) in views (such as location entry or quantity entry).
The surface elements are displayed in different colours:

  • Green indicates the shelf compartment where the stock must be placed or removed from.
  • Purple shows shelf compartments that are already occupied.
  • Grey indicates shelf compartments that are still free.

The icon can be enlarged by clicking on it.

If the ‘occupancy sequence for surface elements with text’ option is also active, the width and depth of the surface element is displayed and, if relevant, the article number.


5. PROLAG Shipping

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Relevant module: Forwarding interface for Hellmann 403-68

PROLAG World can print labels for Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and transmit the shipping data to Hellmann electronically.

The interface contains the following functions:

  • Data exchange with Hellmann in Fortras release 100 format (BORD512)
  • Printing of Hamacher parcel labels with the route determined from the Hellmann route file
  • Electronic transmission of parcel data to Hellmann at the end of the day (daily closing) or each time a transport vehicle is closed.
  • Data transfer to a Hellmann SFTP server

The basic module contains shipping with the following products:

  • The products are tailored to the requirements of the project.

The basic module includes shipping with the following service option:

  • Lifting platform

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