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Release-Notes 4.3.4

Configuring favourites

Relevant module: PROLAG WMS

The favourites configurator has been removed and this functionality has been integrated in the main menu. Favourites are now saved for specific users only. Existing favourites for user groups or roles are transferred in the database upgrade.

Detail view

Relevant module: PROLAG WMS

Specific data record details can be accessed and displayed more easily using the detail view.

Gespeicherte Filter

Betrifft Modul: PROLAG WMS

Über die Menüleiste sind fortan nur noch "Gespeicherte Filter" erreichbar und das automatische Speichern von Filtern entfällt.

Information about user session

Relevant module: PROLAG WMS

Detailed information is provided to users about the context in which they are currently working. This is particularly useful for users who frequently change the context in which they work.

Printing article labels for crossdocking on transport trolley

Relevant module: Missing part handling - Crossdocking 205-15

Printing of article labels can be configured during the crossdocking process based on the quantities input.

Scheduled task ‘allow partial delivery’

Relevant module: Foods issue 203

Order control centre optimisation: All delivery orders with the delivery date today can now be automatically released. It is no longer necessary for control centre staff to manually check them.


Editing stocktaking lists in table view

Relevant module: PROLAG WMS

When editing stocktaking lists, counted quantities can be applied directly via the table view.

ABC analysis

Betrifft module: ABC evaluation tool PW_205_05

The ABC analysis is now available as a template action in the new user interface.


Locking stock with serial numbers

Relevant modules: PROLAG WMS / Serial number administration 205-04

Allows users to enter concrete serial numbers when locking and unlocking stock. Better integration of the partial stock locking and unlocking functionality.


Information about load units can be called up at any time

Relevant module: Mobile processes

Users can call up information about load units at any time.


Collecting load units: Extension of weight display

Relevant module: Mobile processes

The collecting load unit contents list includes both the weights of individual packing units and the total weight of the collecting load unit.

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